Posts by Deepak Kamboj

Showing 21 to 30 of 413 Records
  • कम्बोज - भारत का एक प्राचीन देश
  • कम्बोज - भारत का एक प्राचीन देश

    काम्बोज जनपद (कम्बोज देश) प्राचीन भारत के १६ महाजनपदों में से एक था। इसका उल्लेख पाणिनी के अष्टाध्यायी में १५ शक्तिशाली जनपदों में से एक के रूप में भी मिलता है। बौद्ध ग्रन्थ अंगुत्तर निकाय, महावस्तु मे १६ महाजनपदों में भी कम्बोज का कई बार उल्लेख हुआ है &#...

  • Gurwinder Singh Chandi - A well-known hockey player
  • Gurwinder Singh Chandi - A well-known hockey player

    Gurwinder Singh Chandi (Kamboj) was born on October 20, 1989 in Jalandhar. Gurwinder Singh Chandi made his senior India debut during the Australia 4-Nations tour in 2008. In the run up to the London Olympics, the talented striker has come back from a hamstring injury but having recovered completely, was a key asset...

  • Yashovarman Kamboja - A Kamboja King of pre-epic Mahabharata era
  • Yashovarman Kamboja - A Kamboja King of pre-epic Mahabharata era

    King Yashovarman Kamboj probably belonged to Pre-epic Mahabharata era: (1400/1300 BC). Research on the Mahabharata has put an enormous effort into recognizing and dating layers within the text. Some elements of the present Mahabharata can be traced back to Vedic times. The background to the Mahabharata suggests the...

  • Shaikh Sama'al-Din Kamboh
  • Shaikh Sama'al-Din Kamboh

    Shaikh Sama'al-Din Kamboh (also known as Hazrat Shaikh Alamsayakh Makhdoom Sama'al-Din Kamboh) (हज़रत शेख अलमसायाख मखदूम समाल-दीन कम्बोह) was born in 1405 AD in Multan, Punjab, Pakistan. Shaikh Sama'al-Din Kamboh was a Sufi of the Suhrawardi order and...

  • Yousuf Shah Chak - A ruler of Kashmir
  • Yousuf Shah Chak - A ruler of Kashmir

    Yousuf Shah Chak (Urdu; یُوسف شاہ چک) was a ruler of Kashmir. He was the successor of his father Ali Shah Chak and ruled Kashmir from 1579 to 1586 AD.Chak is a well-known clan / gotra (52 गोत्र) among the modern Kamboj. The Chaks of Kashmir are not its original inhabitants but are known to have...

  • Nawab General Shahbaz Khan Kamboh
  • Nawab General Shahbaz Khan Kamboh

    Shahbaz Khan Kamboh (1529 – 11 November 1599) (शहबाज खान कंबोह) was one of the most trusted and ablest generals of Mughal emperor Akbar (मुगल सम्राट अकबर). His real name was Shahrullah and his sixth ancestor was Haji Ismail, a disciple of the renowned saint Bahauddin...

  • Secretary Harkaran Ibn Mathuradas Kamboh Multani
  • Secretary Harkaran Ibn Mathuradas Kamboh Multani

    Secretary Harkaran Ibn Mathuradas Kamboh Multani (हरकरन ईब्न मथुरादास कम्बोह मुल्तानी) (d 1631). Harkaran was the son of Mathura Das Kamboh and belonged to Multan which was a great centre of learning during the Mughal reign. Harkaran Kamboh was a noted scholar...

  • Prithipal Singh Chandi (Kamboj) - A famous hockey player of India
  • Prithipal Singh Chandi (Kamboj) - A famous hockey player of India

    Prithipal Singh Chandi (Kamboj) (28 January 1932 – 20 May 1983) was an Indian field hockey player nicknamed the “King of short corner” by hockey commentators [1]. The Evening Post, New Zealand commented in 1961 that to face the fury of Prithipal's hit is to risk one's life. Another author commented that if...

  • Gurinderpal Singh Josan - A Prominent Sikh of USA
  • Gurinderpal Singh Josan - A Prominent Sikh of USA

    Gurinderpal Singh Josan was born in a Gurusikh family in the Holy city of Sri Amritsar Sahib, in 1968. Shri Josan completed his early education in D.G. High School founded by the famous poet Sardar Vidhata Singh Teer and later deemed his graduation from the prestigious institution of North India, Khalsa College, Amritsar...