Secretary Harkaran Ibn Mathuradas Kamboh Multani

Secretary Harkaran Ibn Mathuradas Kamboh Multani

Secretary Harkaran Ibn Mathuradas Kamboh Multani (हरकरन ईब्न मथुरादास कम्बोह मुल्तानी) (d 1631). Harkaran was the son of Mathura Das Kamboh and belonged to Multan which was a great centre of learning during the Mughal reign. Harkaran Kamboh was a noted scholar of Arabic and Persian languages. His father was also a good poet of Persian language. Harkaran is best known for his book Insa-yi-Harkaran written in the Persian language (1625-1631) during the last days of Jahangir and early days of Shah Jehan (शाहजहां). The work was compiled between 1625 AD and 1631 AD. It is stated that one day in the reign of the Emperor Shah Jahan, Harkaran Kamboh had sat at “the seat of Empire in the city of Matura” and devoted himself to improving his skills as Munshi (Secretary). There followed a selection of letters to different classes of people indicating how ‘princes write to princes', diplomatic (firmans, parwanahs), letters between notables and legal documents including certificate for the sale of a slave girl etc. The result was his famous Insa-yi-Harkaran in the Persian language which soon became an established model of excellence. Insa-yi-Harkaran is divided into seven sections and contains models of letters and other documents relating to the State. Furthermore, Insa-yi-Harkaran was also used as a model for diplomatic correspondence with the native princes and potentates by the British in India and also as a model for school children learning Persian-letter writing in the schools. Not much is known about his other works but Insa-yi- Harkaran was indeed considered an excellent book till British rule. At the beginning of his book, Harkaran introduces himself as Faqir Haqir Hechamdan Azhaf Man Abdullah Al-Samad Harkaran Valad Mathuradas Kamboh Multani .

मिर्जा बेग शहाबुद्दीन मुहम्मद खान शाहजहां पांचवें मुगल बादशाह थे। शाहजहां 1592, में जन्मे राजकुमार खुर्रम 1628 से भारत के लिए सम्राट थे। वह मुगल सम्राट जहाँगीर और हिन्दू राजपूत पत्नी, ताज बीबी बिलक़िस मकानी के बेटे थे। हरकरन ईब्न मथुरादास कम्बोह मुल्तानी मुगल बादशाह शाहजहां के दरबार में मुंशी थे। हरकरन को फारसी भाषा में लिखि उनकी पुस्तक इंसा-याई-हरकरन (1625-1631) के लिए जाना जाता है। इस पुस्तक उन्होंने मुगल बादशाह जहाँगीर के अंतिम दिनों और मुगल बादशाह शाहजहाँ के शुरुआती दिनों के शासनकाल के बारे में लिखा है।


  1. Aiana-i-Khemkaran, Lahore, 1925, p 283, S Partap Singh Nibber.

Deepak Kamboj

Deepak Kamboj

Deepak Kamboj started and conceptualized the powerful interactive platform - in September 2002, which today is the biggest and most popular online community portal for Kambojas in the world. He was inspired by the social and community work carried out by his father Shri Nanak Chand Kamboj. He has done research on the history, social aspects, political growth and economical situation of the Kamboj community. Deepak Kamboj is an author of various articles about the history of Kamboj community and people.