Kals or Kalsi,Kalsye is prominent subcaste of Kamboj community

Kals or Kalsi,Kalsye is prominent subcaste of Kamboj community

Kals or Kalsi,Kalsye (कैलसिया या कलसी या कलस) is a subcaste of Kamboj clan and community found in Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Uttaranchal and other parts of India. Some of people belongs to this Kals or Kalsi,Kalsye subcaste also found in Punjab state of Pakistan. Kals or Kalsi,Kalsye falls under 84 gotra (broad division) of Kamboj caste. Kals or Kalsi,Kalsye sub-caste alongside other Kamboj / Kamboh people belong to the group of Indo-Aryan peoples.

Etymology: The various variations / derivations for Kals or Kalsi,Kalsye are used: Kals or Kalsi,Kalsye

References: Vishal Kamboj (Monthly Kamboj Magazine), Sher Singh Kamboj Nirmal p 14, Kamboj Iitihaas, p 42, Jay Kamboj/Kamboj Sandesh (Punjabi), 1953, S. Harbhajan Singh Momi, Kapurthala/Kamboj Hitaishy (Monthly Kamboj Magazine in Hindi), 1976, New Delhi Magazines,

कैलसिया या कलसी या कलस आधुनिक काम्बोज जाति का गोत्र / उपजाति है। यह गोत्र काम्बोज जाति के 84 गोत्र (व्यापक विभाजन) के अंतर्गत आता है।

Deepak Kamboj

Deepak Kamboj

Deepak Kamboj started and conceptualized the powerful interactive platform - KambojSociety.com in September 2002, which today is the biggest and most popular online community portal for Kambojas in the world. He was inspired by the social and community work carried out by his father Shri Nanak Chand Kamboj. He has done research on the history, social aspects, political growth and economical situation of the Kamboj community. Deepak Kamboj is an author of various articles about the history of Kamboj community and people.