Ocima Kamboj has achieved an all India rank-1 in GATE (Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering)- 2018 held on 3rd February 2018 in the subject of Production and Industrial Engineering. The result for it was declared on 16th March 2018 by IIT, Guwahati. The GATE is an all-India examination conducted across the country, & the GATE score is used for admissions to post-graduate programs like ME, M. Tech., MS or direct PhD in institutes like IIT and IISc. This score is also used by PSU’s for recruiting candidates for prestigious jobs with attractive remuneration. She did B. Tech. from IIT Delhi in 2017 in Production and Industrial Engineering. The first feather in her cap was when, in 2013, she achieved an all-India rank 0f 1253 in the exam JEE (advance) in which about 15 lakh students had appeared for admission to various engineering colleges of India. After her graduation, she got placed in EY (Ernst & Young), Gurgaon, one of the ‘Big Four Professional Services Firms’ and worked for three months before she decided to leave her job and prepare for GATE in December 2017 to fulfil her passion of studying further and go into higher studies. As per Ocima - she was able to crack GATE with top rank, with a preparation of just two months, only because she studied very sincerely in her B. Tech. She has scored a perfect score of 1000 in GATE and wishes to go into research from any of the top Universities of the world after doing her post-graduation from Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore.
Ocima Kamboj tops GATE (Production and Industrial Engineering), 2018
- Deepak Kamboj
- May 3rd, 2018